Webinar “Frontier technologies for sustainable extraction of critical raw materials”
This webinar was a jointly hosted activity by the RAWMINA and CRM-geothermal projects, both funded under the Horizon Europe programme.
Adoption of the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act: A Pivotal Step Towards Resource Independence
In December 2023, the European Union adopted the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) to secure essential resources for its energy transition and strategic sectors like aerospace and healthcare
Microorganisms Serving Innovation for the Recovery of Critical Metals
Bioleaching is a hydrometallurgical process using microorganisms to extract metals from rocks. Even if it is slower than some other chemical leaching technologies, bioleaching offers several advantages compared to conventional metallurgical processes, such as lower energy and chemical consumption, lower CO2 footprint and lower capital and operational costs.
RAWMINA Partners Visit the Historic Rio Tinto Mines
Blanca Perdigones reports that the University of Seville (USE) team visited the facilities of Atalaya Mining S.A. at the start of February, which allowed them to disseminate the key aspects of the RAWMINA project to the company as a potential final user.
Annual Meeting of the Cluster Hub “Production of raw materials for batteries from European resources”
On Thursday, 16 November, during the 2023 edition of the Raw Materials Week, the twelve EU funded projects that constitute the Cluster Hub ‘Materials for batteries’ gathered for their annual event in Brussels.
14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology in Berlin (24-27/09/2023)
Twenty-first century mining: Environmental management at Cobre Las Cruces
Cobre Las Cruces (CLC), situated in the Seville province of Spain across the municipalities of Gerena, Salteras, and Guillena, is a leading example in the global mining industry when it comes to cutting-edge technology and environmentally responsible practices.
RAWMINA @ Recuperacion de Metales event organised by SusChem
RAWMINA's project coordinator, Sonia Matencio from Leitat Technological Center presented the RAWMINA project at the “Recuperación de Metales” event organised by SusChem on the 11th October 2023.
RAWMINA @ the 5th European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers in Granada Sep 2023